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Video SOS Help Emotions RESOURCES LIST includes important client and student study sheets, quizzes, exercises, how to advertise your SOS classes or counseling services, and additional resources.  Download these materials for when adults or teens watch the video.


Ch. 1 Achieving Contentment, Our Goals, And Emotional Intelligence

Download paper copies of the following two essential study sheets. Have these study sheets constantly available when analyzing and discussing all chapters and the 46 Interview/Scenes.

Charlie's ABCs Of Emotions, Right & Left Sides Combination poster. work sheet, and counseling tool, and education tool teaches adults and teens how to determine Activating Events, Beliefs and Self-Talk, and Consequences of Emotions and Behavior. Make copies for your clients or students.

How Self-Talk Causes Emotions Poster This combination poster and counseling tool illustrates crooked vs straight thinking, the three major musts, and "People are disturbed not by things, but by the views which they take of them.


Ch. 2 ABC Origin Of Our Emotions And Behavior

Be sure to review the Video Leader’s Guide when learning from and analyzing the Interview/Scenes in the Video Chapters. Also, have available paper copies of the two essential study sheets.

Charlie's ABCs Of Emotions, Right & Left Sides Combination poster. work sheet, and counseling tool, and education tool teaches adults and teens how to determine Activating Events, Beliefs and Self-Talk, and Consequences of Emotions and Behavior. Make copies for your clients or students.


Ch. 3 Self-Analysis Of Our ABC’s: Activating Events, Beliefs, Consequences

Download several paper copies of the following self-counseling tool and carefully follow the instructions at the bottom of the page. These forms provide valuable self-help exercises.

ABC Self-Analysis And Improvement Form Ask clients or students to complete three forms a week based on their experiences. Discuss these forms in weekly appointments. Continue these homework assignments to keep clients or students involved.


8 Interviews - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Interviews

Be sure to review the Video Leader’s Guide when learning from and analyzing the Interview/Scenes in the Video Chapters. Also, have available paper copies of the two essential study sheets.

Study what these eight people are telling you about themselves. Notice how their irrational beliefs (demandingness and the five hot links) are causing their emotional upsetness. And causing their self-defeating behavior. Be sure to refer to paper copies of the study sheets as you listen to the interviews.

Charlie's ABCs Of Emotions, Right & Left Sides Combination poster. work sheet, and counseling tool, and education tool teaches adults and teens how to determine Activating Events, Beliefs and Self-Talk, and Consequences of Emotions and Behavior. Make copies for your clients or students.

How Self-Talk Causes Emotions Poster This combination poster and counseling tool illustrates crooked vs straight thinking, the three major musts, and "People are disturbed not by things, but by the views which they take of them.


Ch. 4 Managing Our Beliefs, Self-Talk, And Emotions With CBT

Be sure to review the Video Leader’s Guide when learning from and analyzing the Interview/Scenes in the Video Chapters. Also, have available paper copies of the two essential study sheets.

Charlie's ABCs Of Emotions, Right & Left Sides Combination poster. work sheet, and counseling tool, and education tool teaches adults and teens how to determine Activating Events, Beliefs and Self-Talk, and Consequences of Emotions and Behavior. Make copies for your clients or students.

ABC Self-Analysis And Improvement Form Ask clients or students to complete three forms a week based on their experiences. Discuss these forms in weekly appointments. Continue these homework assignments to keep clients or students involved.


Ch. 5 Uprooting Our Irrational Beliefs And Self-Talk With CBT

Be sure to review the Video Leader’s Guide when learning from and analyzing the Interview/Scenes in the Video Chapters. Also, have available paper copies of the two essential study sheets.

Charlie's ABCs Of Emotions, Right & Left Sides Combination poster. work sheet, and counseling tool, and education tool teaches adults and teens how to determine Activating Events, Beliefs and Self-Talk, and Consequences of Emotions and Behavior. Make copies for your clients or students.

How Self-Talk Causes Emotions Poster This combination poster and counseling tool illustrates crooked vs straight thinking, the three major musts, and "People are disturbed not by things, but by the views which they take of them.


Ch. 6 Common Irrational Beliefs and Self-Talk Causing Anxiety, Anger,

and Depression

Be sure to review the Video Leader’s Guide when learning from and analyzing the Interview/Scenes in the Video Chapters. Also, have available paper copies of the two essential study sheets.

Charlie's ABCs Of Emotions, Right & Left Sides Combination poster. work sheet, and counseling tool, and education tool teaches adults and teens how to determine Activating Events, Beliefs and Self-Talk, and Consequences of Emotions and Behavior. Make copies for your clients or students.

ABC Self-Analysis And Improvement Form Ask clients or students to complete three forms a week based on their experiences. Discuss these forms in weekly appointments. Continue these homework assignments to keep clients or students involved.


Ch. 7 Managing Anxiety With SOS Help For Emotions

Be sure to review the Video Leader’s Guide when learning from and analyzing the Interview/Scenes in the Video Chapters. Also, have available paper copies of the two essential study sheets.

Charlie's ABCs Of Emotions, Right & Left Sides Combination poster. work sheet, and counseling tool, and education tool teaches adults and teens how to determine Activating Events, Beliefs and Self-Talk, and Consequences of Emotions and Behavior. Make copies for your clients or students.

How Self-Talk Causes Emotions Poster This combination poster and counseling tool illustrates crooked vs straight thinking, the three major musts, and "People are disturbed not by things, but by the views which they take of them.


Ch. 8 Managing Anger With SOS Help For Emotions

Be sure to review the Video Leader’s Guide when learning from and analyzing the Interview/Scenes in the Video Chapters. Also, have available paper copies of the two essential study sheets.

Charlie's ABCs Of Emotions, Right & Left Sides Combination poster. work sheet, and counseling tool, and education tool teaches adults and teens how to determine Activating Events, Beliefs and Self-Talk, and Consequences of Emotions and Behavior. Make copies for your clients or students.

ABC Self-Analysis And Improvement Form Ask clients or students to complete three forms a week based on their experiences. Discuss these forms in weekly appointments. Continue these homework assignments to keep clients or students involved.


Ch. 9 Managing Depression With SOS Help For Emotions

Be sure to review the Video Leader’s Guide when learning from and analyzing the Interview/Scenes in the Video Chapters. Also, have available paper copies of the two essential study sheets.


12 Irrational Beliefs Causing Anxiety, Anger, And Depression

Be sure to review the Video Leader’s Guide when learning from and analyzing the Interview/Scenes in the Video Chapters. Also, have available paper copies of the two essential study sheets.


50 Rational Beliefs Reducing Anxiety, Anger, And Depression

Be sure to review the Video Leader’s Guide when learning from and analyzing the Interview/Scenes in the Video Chapters. Also, have available paper copies of the two essential study sheets.


Video SOS Help Emotions RESOURCES LIST includes important client and student study sheets, quizzes, exercises, how to advertise your SOS classes or counseling services, and additional resources.  Download these materials for when adults or teens watch the video.


01 Disrespected At Work

Anger, physical changes in anger, anger from disrespect, managing anger, expressing anger in a work setting, D Dispute not yet taught

ABC Exercise Sheets - 46 SOS Video Scenes Counselors and educators. provide these essential ABC Exercise Sheets to all people as they view and discuss scenes from the Video KIT SOS Help For Emotions. Since these sheets help people to analyze scenes from the Video. they make teaching and learning easier and more fun!


02 Angry Customer - Doing It Wrong

Emotional intelligence, managing emotions, managing relationships, sarcasm, anger in a work setting, D Dispute not yet taught


03 Angry Customer - Doing It Right

Emotional intelligence, managing emotions, managing relationships, anger in a work setting, managing anger, D Dispute not yet taught


04 Smashed Birthday Cake

Anger, rage, violent behavior, possible borderline personality disorder, physiological arrousal in anger, D Dispute not yet taught


05 Not Invited

Depression, sadness, anxiety, rejection by peers, changing a demand into a wish, school avoidance, 11 year-old girl, help from parents, D Dispute not yet taught


06 Seven Pounds Overweight

Depression, low self-acceptance, purging, risk for anorexia, 14 year-old girl, D Dispute not yet taught


07 Road Rage

Anger, road rage, improved management of anger, D Dispute not yet taught


08 Broken Fist

Anger, rage, violent behavior, explosive behavior, self-injurious behavior, D Dispute not yet taught


09 Giving A Speech

Anxiety, social anxiety, procrastination, physical effects of anxiety, D Dispute is now taught for managing emotions


10 My Parents Are Divorcing

Depression, sadness, parents divorcing, D Dispute is taught in managing emotions


11 First Year Teacher

Depressed, not being liked by all her students, acceptance of this fact, reduced emotional distress


12 Depressed Over Mother

Depressed, suicidal thinking, guessing at the beliefs & self-talk of another person, Irrational Belief #10 (“I must be constantly upset over someone else’s problems")


13 Asking For A Date

Anxiety, social anxiety, procrastination, improved ability to manage emotions


14 Walked Out Of Class

Anxiety, social anxiety, embarrassed, humiliated, name calling, improved management of his emotions


15 Girlfriend Abuse (JAIL)

Anger, rage, violent attack, girlfriend abuse, jail, reject help from counselor/psychologist, limited motiviaton for change, believing that “people just snap”


16 Called Me A Loser (JAIL)

Anger, rage, anger from disrespect, violent attack, intermittent explosive disorder, workplace violence, jail, reject help from psychologist, limited motiviaton for change


17 Awfulizing About Mowing

Depression, turning a minor stressor into emotional stress, complaining, acceptance of the minor stressor, reduced emotional distress


18 Dumped By Two Girls

Depression, self-labeling, self-loathing, low self-acceptance, depressed about romantic relationships, reduced emotional distress


19 Bar Fight (JAIL)

Anger, anger from disrespect, jail, low motiviaton for change

ABC Exercise Sheets - 46 SOS Video Scenes Counselors and educators. provide these essential ABC Exercise Sheets to all people as they view and discuss scenes from the Video KIT SOS Help For Emotions. Since these sheets help people to analyze scenes from the Video. they make teaching and learning easier and more fun!


20 Internet Dating Frustration

Depression, discouraged with dating, internet dating, managing frustration


21 Abusive Boyfriend Makes Meth (JAIL)

Depression, anxiety, low self-acceptance, partner abuse, jail, dependency, dependent on abusive partner


22 Racing A Train

Depression, guilt, PTSD, death of girlfriend, alcohol abuse, determination to get undepressed


23 My Report Card

Anger, mother expressing anger at 11 year-old daughter, accidently punishing good behavior, getting unangry, apologizing


24 I Wrecked My Car

Depression, guilt, shame, negative self-labeling, self-loathing, resolving to stop calling himself names


25 Coping With Disability

Coping with disability, acceptance of disability, calm


26 Threatening Child Abuse

Anger, rage, potential child abuse, low frustration tolerance, low distress tolerance, guessing at the beliefs and self-talk of another person, possible PTSD


27 I Can’t Forgive Him

Depression, anger, obsessed about husband cheating in the past, inability to forgive, seeing a counselor, turning a DEMAND into a WISH


28 Social Anxiety

Anxiety, social anxiety, social phobia, self-labeling, practicing self-acceptance


29 My Father Won’t Help

Father-daughter relationship problems, lack of money for college, effective use of dispute statements, improving father-daughter relationship.


30 Locked Out Of My Car

Anxiety, social anxiety, social phobia, self-labeling, practicing self-acceptance


31 I Shouldn’t Pay Child Support

Anger, broken relationship with his wife, life should be fair & easy, child support, decision to accept reality


32 No Parking

Anger, recognition he is making himself angry, getting unangry


33 Failing In College

Depressed, getting failing college grades, difficulty in making realistic plans for college


34 My Friend Died

Depression, guilt, death of friend, attempting to adjust to death of friend


35 Spouse Abuse

Spouse abuse, desire to control his wife, irrational belief that stress causes spouse abuse, ABC’s of Emotions in spouse abuse, recognition of how to stop abusing his wife


36 When Are We Eating?

Anger, expressing anger at 10 year-old son, low frustration tolerance, using Dispute to get unangry, apologizing


37 Coping With Chronic Pain

Depression, coping with chronic pain, irrational belief that “life should be fair,” pain management techniques, relief from chronic pain


38 Exercise Bike Conflict

Anger, husband-wife conflict, changing beliefs & self-talk, getting unangry


39 My Boyfriend Is Cheating

Depressed, angry, broken love relationship, determination to get undepressed


40 Grandpa Is Dying

Anxiety, depresssion, impending death of a loved one, depression and anxiety, determination to get undepressed, determination to accept a significant loss


41 He Might Dump Me

Depression, jealousy, trouble sleeping, loss of a romantic relationship, use of humor to reduce upsetness, improved control over unpleasant emotions


42 Depressed About Panic

Depression, anxiety, panic attacks, panic disorder, secondary emotional problem (one emotional problem causing another emotional problem), improved management of depression


43 My Mom Broke Her Leg

Depression, self-blame, guilt, reduction in level of guilt. Possible example of PTSD.


44 My Husband Died

Depressed, angry at the world, death of spouse, deciding to accept her loss, improvement in emotional adjustment


45 Low Self-Acceptance & Drinking

Depression, guilt, self-loathing, addiction, alchohol abuse, self-acceptance, AA help


46 Cutting

Cutting disorder, impulse-control disorder, combined rational emotive behavior therapy and dialectical behavior therapy, anxiety, anger, depression, I-can’t-stand-it-itis, improved management of emotions


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